Why is it called Whiskey and Wildflowers?
Some call it tough. Others call it exotic.
Here they coexist. Right beside each other
The name needed something to represent tough, strong, robust, grit.
It also needed to show the other side of us. The one who is exotic, gentle, soft and caring. I feel we all carry both sides all the time.
Existing side-by-side.
Some days or moments we are strong. Tougher than we have ever been before or ever wanted to be. Other times we are exotic and gentle. More beautiful
than a sunset and ever so delicate.
Whiskey and Wildflowers
The name has depth. The name has feeling.
The name is a representation of who we are.
Both Women and Men.
In a world where you can be anything...You already are
Who is the owner and what is her story?
One upon a time there was a lady and a man . They fell in love and had lots of babies. The 8th child out of 9 was named Amanda. She was the best. The End
Nah, there is a little more to the story. I grew up in a big family as mentioned. I am Samoan, English, Chinese, Welsh, Swedish, Irish, Scottish, Polynesian, New Zealand Maori, Torres Strait Islander. So basically I'm related to all of you. No really, I bet I am. Sadly, two sisters have passed on and I think because of this we are an incredibly close family with very protective parents. We were never the family to go on yearly holidays but rather sit around the table yarning for ages. Maybe we were just avoiding washing dishes. We would spend our weekends on horse back and competing at local, state and interstate jumping, dressage and cross country competitions.
As an adult, I met my now husband (Maltese, Sicilian boy - Had to make sure I wasn't related) at 16, married at 21 and brought our first child into the world at 22. She is basically Moana. Moved to Port Hedland, WA after the 2010 GFC to recover and had our 2nd born. He is basically Denis the Menace. Moved back to Qld and up to Weipa where we had our 3rd baby (You can't actually have babies in Weipa. You have to fly out 4 weeks before your due date. Leaving the rest of the family behind messes with your head a bit). Bub is a mix of her siblings so basically Moana the Menace Adventure seeking Goddess who looks for trouble. We spend most of our weekends at a local cattle station near Aurukun or along the Telegraph Track or beside a creek somewhere in Cape York.
I started Whiskey and Wildflowers in my garage in 2020. It was fully decked out like a proper shop. French doors and all. Not some half assed job. I started it because I needed to keep my mid busy. I had some yucky postnatal depression with my second and I didn't want it to show its ugly face again. I'm all good now. The shop is such a healing place. Not just just for me but others. I often have people open up about life, let the tears pour out and walk out with a weight off their shoulders and love in their heart. I like what the place has become. This was never intentional. It happened by accident. I wish you all could come for a visit. If you cannot make it instore, I like to make your parcels pretty with happy yellow tissue paper and some cute little notes and a sunflower sticker.
Thanks again for letting me share who I am and some of my story.
love to you all ,